Academic Programs

Public Safety

911 Communication and Operations

911通信和操作学位课程为学生提供了从事紧急通信职业所需的知识和技能. 呆在家里完成这个学位课程!

det365手机版官网与里士满社区学院合作,为det365手机版官网学生提供911沟通和操作培训. 学生通过det365手机版官网完成本课程的前两个学期, 然后通过里士满社区学院完成在线直接911课程.

就业机会包括与各种雇主在公共安全电信领域的发展, 包括当地政府应急通讯中心, county sheriffs’ offices, local law enforcement, fire and EMS agencies, emergency management, 以及相关的应急调度操作.

Basic Law Enforcement

基本执法培训(BLET)旨在为学生提供作为州执法人员入门级就业所需的基本技能, county, or municipal governments, or with private enterprise.


Certificate Program(s)

Criminal Justice

刑事司法技术课程旨在提供刑事司法系统和操作的知识. Study will focus on local, state, and federal law enforcement, judicial processes, corrections, and security services. 将探讨刑事司法系统在社会中的作用.

当地存在着各种各样的就业机会, state, and federal law enforcement, corrections, and security fields. Examples include police officer, deputy sheriff, county detention officer, state trooper, 强化缓刑/假释监督官, and loss prevention specialist. 

On-line program options available.

Public Safety Administration

公共安全管理课程旨在为学生提供, as well as practitioners, 具备技术方面的知识和技能, managerial, 以及在各种公共安全和政府机构内进入或晋升所需的行政区域.

就业机会存在于消防或警察部门, emergency management organizations, governmental agencies, industrial firms, correctional facilities, private industries, insurance organizations, educational organizations, 安全和保护组织, 通过自主创业的机会.


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